Homemade Triple Zero Yogurt {THM-FP, Low Carb, Sugar Free, Gluten Free)

Triple Zero yogurt is a staple in many THM based kitchens, and while it is nice to have as a quick option, it can be pricey if you love it like my family does! So that’s why I decided to start making my own! I can get 2 large 32oz. containers of plain Greek yogurt at Costco for $5.79. This is hardly even a recipe, it is so simple! Here is what you need.

 1 32oz container of plain Greek yogurt
4 “doonks” stevia extract (I am currently using the KAL brand, but my favorite is the THM pure stevia extract)

1 Tbl. Vanilla extract

Directions: Simply add the stevia and vanilla to the yogurt and stir thoroughly!

 (I know – this part doesn’t look amazing – but trust me – once it’s all stirred in – YUM!)

See? So easy and simple – and so good! You could also add other extracts to make the flavor you like best – lemon, caramel, orange, butterscotch. The options are endless! It is always nice to keep an assortment of flavorings around to use whenever the flavor urge strikes!

One of my favorite breakfasts is the homemade 000 with berries and toasted coconut.

 Ah, so easy! If you try it, let me know what you think! Enjoy!